Art & Sisterhood. Wanas Konst, Sweden. 2020

A collaborative project between Wanås Konst Pedagogik and Fryshuset Östra Göinge. This multilayered workshop was themed around female role models, symbolism and empowerment. It took place in a small Swedish town called Broby. This dynamic group of young women, teenagers and mothers, consisted of both immigrants and locals.

I worked alongside Malin Gustavsson & Elin Magnusson from Wanås Konst. We created 2 evening workshop sessions with the group, consisting of drawing exercises, pattern making and personal symbol development. The original drawings were scanned and then digitally collaged by Berlin/Stockholm based artist Maria Bajt. Creating the composition and workshop, we spent a day together painting a group mural in the Fryshuset Östra Göinge, community youth centre.

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