Constantly something to think about/ constamment quelque chose à penser. 2020 – Ongoing.

NIROX FOUNDATION. Location Johannesburg, South Africa. Coordinates – 25.9860° S, 27.7827° E

dwell in, dwell on, a dwelling. here we inhabit. We are inhabitants. our lives, an unfolding performance, life, a play. navigating time, space, distance, language, measures. taking measurements. taking time. Calculating. holding space. a flexible home, an object, a symbol, a metaphor, a process. The beginning. New page. New chapter. 

Our project is fundamentally experiential & discursive.

We are interested in creating temporary sacred community spaces to share, explore & dialogue through.

A place/space, a temporary, ever changing, constantly something to think about, sense of home, sense of belonging somewhere, with someone. The project is a metaphor for a held, safe, community healing space. A temporary space to allow the audience to enter a self reflexive state of being, a moment in solitude, in vulnerability. 

The work by nature is site specific & adaptable. It can function as an indoor or outdoor installation. Our yurt is a portable, waterproof circular dwelling made of a lattice of flexible poles. Historically, it’s a symbol for nomadic communities & currently represents an alternative lifestyle to that of the typical western notions of what it means to have a home, to settle down, to be grounded.

This story is one that is unfinished, unfurling, unfolding.

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